Saturday, October 10, 2009

He is such a good Father

I am truly amazed at God. God did something "small" for me this week, that in the future could be a big piece to a puzzle..or a key piece. When things like this happen, when things work out perfectly and are totally out of my control, I am amazed.. I found myself thanking God in my car as I was driving home and was just in awe of the fact that He would move this way on my behalf.. even though some would consider it a small thing.. Then I start to think about why I find it so surprising. He is God the Father, and I am His child. It doesn't matter if I find myself worthy this week or not of a blessing. It's not about how many days in a row I can go without making a mistake or sinning that then somehow equals up to God blessing me or not. He loves me alot! All the time!! And all of God is watching over me and is with me all the time. He is not far away.. He is near! And He is closer to you than your own breath. So, I am thankful and full of praise to the Lord for making my ways straight and for leading me and for opening up doors.. and I am also working on accepting the gifts He gives freely... no matter what! Be open, be thankful through it all!! The good and he bad.. and remember, when it's storming, He will even make that into good because He loves you so dearly.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

God is good.

God is good. When it seems that all has come to an end or that we have reached our lowest low. God is still good. When we feel like we have no strength for faith and don't know what to pray..just send a "thank you" His way.. He will fight the battle for you! No matter how small or big it is, He cares for us and every hair on our head. Through the tough times, rest assured that God is good. All of the answers will follow in time. Bless you!

Friday, May 1, 2009


God is always near. Even just recognizing that, you can feel His Presence! Its amazing how God is always working in our lives. We can be going through super tough times.. and sometimes we can't even feel Him and we are not sure if He hears us.. Or maybe that He does hear us, but is He going to answer. I believe that during those times, God is working it out, even in that very dark moment, everything for our good! The trickiest part, atleast for me, is His timing. It can seem like we are in the dark sometimes, but we have to recognize that God is working to set things up, to arrange things, to bring people into our lives, and is working miracles for our now and our future. He has never stopped. And in His time, it will manifest.. So, be still, calm, breathe, and wait on the Lord. Again, wait on the Lord!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


God is with us. He is for us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He holds us in the palm of His hand. He will never give us more than we can handle. And He will always provide and lead us to a way out of even our darkest hour. Throughout my life I have always been an optimist. I have been given the grace to always see the better side of things. I have always been able to see my way out. This past year however, has been the first time in my life where I hit a black hole and could not see any light. It was the darkest time in my life thus far.. I am writing this to say that God provided a way out for me where it seemed as though there was no way. I think when we reach the point of having no faith or no hope we think than, thats it! Im done! If we can't see any light at the end of the tunnel than how will we ever get out.. But God is so good. You see, even when we truly lose all hope He will still be our Savior and come to our rescue, because His grace is sufficient!!!! He doesn't come to save us because we deserved to be saved. And He doesn't come to our rescue because we pressed the right button or did something right. He comes to save us, to heal us, to redeem us, to hold us, to give us hope where there is none.. because of His love and grace towards us... and in that we can rest. Oh, how I worship You Father.. for You are worthy of all praise!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Taking a Moment

Today, wherever you are... just take a moment.. shut your eyes.. and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. See what He says.  It will give you so much strength and purpose to continue on. Sometimes we just need to wait in the stillness, hear Him speak, and be filled again. I find myself trying to run on fumes so much of the time as opposed to running on a full tank or even overflowing! Living in the well is so much better than just running and trying to grab a drink when we are parched. I have learned in voice lessons.. that if I have the "thirsty feeling," than it means I am already dehydrated! So, my challenge to myself and to all of you is to try to start living in the well! Just take a moment and drink in...  love you all and blessings!

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Blog

Living Life in Worship.... I named my blog this because I believe this is where we should all live. A life in worship to our Creator! I believe that living a life that breathes, awakes, dreams, & creates worship is the best place to be. This place is at the feet of Jesus. When all is truly surrendered to Him, all will fall into perfect place in your life. No more striving with questions as to what God's perfect will is for me.. if I live at His feet and look to Him as a child than the Kingdom of God will fall into place in my life. That is the place where we can be lead beside still waters even in the midst of a storm. Its the place where a peace beyond our understanding occurs. May we all truly rest at His feet and lay against His throne!