Monday, April 20, 2009

First Blog

Living Life in Worship.... I named my blog this because I believe this is where we should all live. A life in worship to our Creator! I believe that living a life that breathes, awakes, dreams, & creates worship is the best place to be. This place is at the feet of Jesus. When all is truly surrendered to Him, all will fall into perfect place in your life. No more striving with questions as to what God's perfect will is for me.. if I live at His feet and look to Him as a child than the Kingdom of God will fall into place in my life. That is the place where we can be lead beside still waters even in the midst of a storm. Its the place where a peace beyond our understanding occurs. May we all truly rest at His feet and lay against His throne!


  1. So glad you decided to start a blog. I can't wait to read more.

    Thank you for praying for Abby.

  2. Thanks so much Michelle! So excited about connecting with you again!! Your family's story has blessed my life in so many ways. Thank you for everything!
